Things are going so well here in Missoula! The weather is fantastic and the people are out and about. It seems like now the sun is shining more everyone's spirits have been lifted. We get to go hiking for exercise like every day and the views here truly are spectacular! I love that everything is all green :) also, why don't we have huckleberries in California? They are delicious! A member made us a huckleberry pie the other day and wow it was good :)
We are spending lots of time with all those that have been baptized recently to teach them the new member lessons. I love hearing each persons conversion story and how most people have had a real relationship with Christ but since they embraced the Gospel in His Church their relationship has increased exponentially.
We had dinner yesterday with a family in our ward and their neighbors. The husband is a member of the Church but has not come in years and she and her son are not members. She has a strong testimony of the Bible and has found he teachings to be relevant to her in her life. We shared a lesson on the Book of Mormon and how it can strengthen our relationship. Truly the entire purpose of the Book of Mormon is to do just that. She was fascinated and accepted a copy and said she will read and pray about it to know if it is true. I love the effect the Gospel has on families! I am excited to meet with them again and watch how the doctrine of the Restoration of Christ's true Church blesses their lives.
When I first read the Book of Mormon I pondered often how a book that was written 2,000 years ago could be so relevant to me in my life. For me, the answer didn't come until I was reading in Mormon chapter 8:35 which says, "Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing." I love how one of the authors of the book, Moroni, speaks directly to the reader and tell us that Christ showed us to him in a vision. It makes perfect sense! He had thousands of plates and he and his father, Mormon, had to abridge what they say is only one one hundredth into what is now called, "The Book of Mormon." The message of the record is perfectly congruent with this vision. Everything in the book teaches us to believe in Christ and His Atonement. I was not surprised a couple months ago when I learned Christ is mentioned every 1.7 verses in the Book of Mormon. I am so grateful to have this book and know with all my heart that it is true. I consider it an honor and privilege to be able to read it every single day.
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day and were able to take time to be grateful for the sacrifice of so many who made it possible for us to live in such a wonderful country today.
I love you all and am so grateful for your great love and support!
Elder Holland
Things are going so well here in Missoula! The weather is fantastic and the people are out and about. It seems like now the sun is shining more everyone's spirits have been lifted. We get to go hiking for exercise like every day and the views here truly are spectacular! I love that everything is all green :) also, why don't we have huckleberries in California? They are delicious! A member made us a huckleberry pie the other day and wow it was good :)
We are spending lots of time with all those that have been baptized recently to teach them the new member lessons. I love hearing each persons conversion story and how most people have had a real relationship with Christ but since they embraced the Gospel in His Church their relationship has increased exponentially.
We had dinner yesterday with a family in our ward and their neighbors. The husband is a member of the Church but has not come in years and she and her son are not members. She has a strong testimony of the Bible and has found he teachings to be relevant to her in her life. We shared a lesson on the Book of Mormon and how it can strengthen our relationship. Truly the entire purpose of the Book of Mormon is to do just that. She was fascinated and accepted a copy and said she will read and pray about it to know if it is true. I love the effect the Gospel has on families! I am excited to meet with them again and watch how the doctrine of the Restoration of Christ's true Church blesses their lives.
When I first read the Book of Mormon I pondered often how a book that was written 2,000 years ago could be so relevant to me in my life. For me, the answer didn't come until I was reading in Mormon chapter 8:35 which says, "Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing." I love how one of the authors of the book, Moroni, speaks directly to the reader and tell us that Christ showed us to him in a vision. It makes perfect sense! He had thousands of plates and he and his father, Mormon, had to abridge what they say is only one one hundredth into what is now called, "The Book of Mormon." The message of the record is perfectly congruent with this vision. Everything in the book teaches us to believe in Christ and His Atonement. I was not surprised a couple months ago when I learned Christ is mentioned every 1.7 verses in the Book of Mormon. I am so grateful to have this book and know with all my heart that it is true. I consider it an honor and privilege to be able to read it every single day.
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day and were able to take time to be grateful for the sacrifice of so many who made it possible for us to live in such a wonderful country today.
I love you all and am so grateful for your great love and support!
Elder Holland