Hey Fam!
This week was a blast! I have been on tons of exchanges lately and have been traveling quite a bit. We went to Stevensville to find some of the young single adults to invite to come to institute and church here in Missoula this Fall. It was fun and quite successful :) We went on a really awesome hike up Blodgett canyon. It was kinda smokey cuz all the fires all around us but wow it was fun. I absolutely love hiking in montana :)
I have been studying as much as I can about learning from and being guided by the Holy Ghost in the past few months. A member here let us borrow a talk on cd called, "Receiving Answers to Prayer" By Elder Gene R. Cook. I
listened to it last week while driving up to Kalispell and wow it has really inspired me to change everything about how I teach and how I deliver a talk. The basic principle is faith the the Lord will fill your mouth with the words the people you are speaking to need to hear. I have really thought about the revelation in Doctrine and Covenants 84:85 "Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man"
We have our zone training this week and I had decided to fast yesterday to best prepare for the discussions that will be
given. About an hour before sacrament meeting we got a call from a member of our Bishopric saying the speakers called and said they are sick and can not give their talks and asked if we could fill in for them. We said yes, of course we will and he said the topic would be on the sacrament. I have always put together some sort of outline for a talk but I felt impressed to trust
in the Lord on this one and to ponder my own personal experience partaking of the sacrament and what it means to me. It was incredible because as we were greeting everyone before the meeting started I began to have thoughts flood my mind like crazy of things that these people are struggling with. It truly was amazing. So the meeting began and the youth speaker spoke and then Elder Griffith spoke and I had about 20 minutes left to fill the meeting. As I stood up to speak I had no clue what I was going to say but for some reason I was completely calm and knew something would enter my mind. I began the talk by bearing my testimony and as I did words just came. Events and scriptures that I had not thought of in a while came to my mind. I felt a peace and comfort on the stand that I have never felt before. At the end of the meeting there were a number of people that approached me and said something that was said was an answer to a prayer or a personal struggle they were currently dealing with. I am so grateful to know without a doubt that we are supported by God in this great work we are engaged in. I know that I am nothing but with the Lord I can do all things. I know the Holy Ghost is real and He truly does enlighten our minds and give us that which we lack in the very hour and moment we need it. I know that because Christ performed the Atonement we are not only Redeemed from the fall of Adam but we are enabled to do better and be better. I am forever grateful for this knowledge.
This week is the last week of the transfer and we should find out if we stay or go this weekend. It is crazy to think I have been here in Missoula for 6 months already! Time is just flying by but I love every single day :)
Thanks for all you love and support, I Love you all
Elder Holland