Wow it is sooo beautiful
here in Montana! It is starting to get kinda cold at night and I feel in
just a few weeks it is gonna be snowing. It is crazy how fast the seasons
change... I feel like the winter is gonna be pretty long though... But I
do enjoy seeing seasons.
This week went by
extremely fast! We just went from appointment to appointment and at some
point they all seem to kinda blend together. I really was not that great
at time management before my mission. I am amazed at how much we can fit
into one day in the mission. I never thought what we do could be
possible but I am grateful for this skill and hope to be able to take it with
me when I finish the mission.

I often reflect on what
President Monson said regarding time, We cannot call back time that is past, we cannot stop time that now is, and we
cannot experience the future in our present state. Time is a gift, a treasure
not to be put aside for the future but to be used wisely in the present.” I
love this. And it is so very true.
I am so blessed to be
able to serve these wonderful people here in Montana. I feel they have
taught me way more than I will ever be able to teach them and I truly do feel
that every day I have is a gift.
Thanks for all your love
and support!
Elder Holland
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