Thursday, November 7, 2013

Getting Chilly!

Hey Fam!

Well, It is snowing!  And it is freezing!  I bet my skin will be transparent by the end of this winter but it's all good I am enjoying learning a new way of living :)  Things are going really well here!  I love serving with all the college students.  It is very refreshing to spent time with and teach people my own age.  There are many incredible things happening here and I am excited about this transfer because we have prepared ourselves to truly witness miracles.

I was able to witness a miracle this week.  We were driving to an appointment and we got a call from Brother Judd saying that a girl from 2nd Ward had been in an accident.  He said she flew off the road at 60 mph and rolled her car 4 times and we needed to go to the hospital and give her a blessing.  To be completely honest I was actually fairly nervous on the drive to the hospital because I had no idea the condition she would be in when we got there.  When we walked into her room she was sitting upright on the hospital bed and was talking with her mom.  To my amazement not a single bone was broken in her body!  She had cuts all over her arms, legs, and face and had a bruise on her chest from the seat belt but that was it.  She showed us some pictures of the crash and her car is toast and she rolled about 50 yards up a hill before she stopped.  As she spoke I felt this incredible warm, deep, soothing feeling come over me and I had the most amazing confirmation that there were angels there protecting her.  Her mom said as she was rolling she said a prayer and asked over and over for God to stop the car.  It truly was a miracle to witness and I am so grateful that I was blessed to be there for it.

Last week Camille sent me a quote By President George Albert Smith, "Those who are on the other side [of the veil] are just as anxious about us.  They are praying for us and our success." I have been thinking about this a lot especially after having this experience.  I have no doubt in my mind that, just as we are assigned to help people here, angels are assigned by God to do the same.  I know that no matter what we do they are there.  Most of the time they are silent but they are there.  I know that as we keep the commandments of God and qualify ourselves for their assistance that they are then allowed to have a larger influence in our lives.  I have learned this through experience and am forever grateful for those here and on the other side of the veil that help lift, encourage, inspire, and bless me.  I testify to what Russell T Osguthorpe said in the CES devotional last night, "Saying and doing the right things becomes easy as we make promises to the Lord."  As we continue through life in righteousness our tasks do become harder but the help we receive is ALWAYS more than sufficient for our needs. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have and pray that we will all do all we can to share this Gospel with those the Lord has put in our path.

Thanks so very much for all of your great love and support.

Elder Holland

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