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Steve's Baptism! |
This week was fantastic! We got tons done and had beautiful weather to enjoy all the way :). I feel like spring is finally here! Things are starting to turn
green and we are all doing lots of fun activities outside :) today we are all
gonna go play ultimate Frisbee on campus which will be lots of fun. Elder Bishop
and I have been hiking this trail right by our apartment that leads straight up
this mountain in the Moroni's and I have to admit it is a pretty awesome way to
start out the day.
Steve got baptized!!!! It went really well! He did not tell his 2 kids he was
getting baptized so they found out as they walked into the church! They were
both super cute and gave their dad a big hug. It was an exceptional day :)
Also, a guy named Matt that we have been working with ever since we got here
will be baptized on Tuesday! He was waiting on a letter of approval from the
First Presidency and it came in on Friday! His wife was baptized a couple
months ago and he will now join her in making this sacred covenant of baptism.
He truly is a changed man and I have loved getting to know him.
The work is going really well here and the spirits are very high with all the
members and missionaries here. I feel we are working with the ward members
really well and because of this synergy great miracles are happening daily. We
truly do see miracles daily here and I LOVE it! There are 8-10 people that will
be baptized in our ward alone in the next 6 weeks! I a, so grateful for the
amazing opportunity I have to be a witness of the work of The Lord. He truly is
hastening his work here in Missoula.
There is a guy that we meet with in French Town every Thursday named Rick who
was has become active in the church over the passed few weeks. When we first met
with him just 6 weeks ago he had not been to church in over 20 years and knew
very little about Christ and His Church. He has become a reading machine! He
started reading the Book of Mormon the first day we met him and as of last week
he was in 3 Nephi chapter 17! He is almost done with the entire book! His
knowledge of the Gospel has expanded 100 fold and the most impressive thing of
all is that he has begun to apply the principles that are taught in the Book of
Mormon to his own life. Except for taking the sacrament weekly, I would say that
his reading of the Book of Mormon has brought him closer to our Savior than
anything else he has been doing. I love the Book of Mormon. I have had many
spiritual experiences in my life and especially on my mission but I have had
more cumulative spiritual experiences with the Book of Mormon than anything else
in my life. It truly is an inspired guide for our lives that was written by
prophets of God. I have a challenge for all of you. I challenge you all to read
the entire Book of Mormon before I get home starting NOW. I don't care if you
are somewhere in the middle just keep reading and go all the way back to that
point again cuz you need to read it multiple times anyway. I can promise that if
you will all do this life will become easier and the Spirit will be which us
more in our lives. I also know that doing this will bring us even closer as a
family. I also want feedback and insights as you read! It really is my favorite
book to discuss so I expect feedback.
I hope and pray you all accept this challenge! I love you all and am so grateful
for each and every one of you.
Elder Holland
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