I'm so sorry this letter is so late! We have had an
absolutely crazy week and President Mecham was here for most of it so we did
not have any time to e-mail until today. It has been an incredible week

So we have been meeting with an investigator and her son for
about 6 weeks now and when we first met with them we prayed to know the date
the Lord would have them be baptized and we felt that October 18th was the
date. They accepted the date contingent upon them both receiving their
own personal witness from God that the Church is in fact true. They have
both had experiences while reading the Book of Mormon that have led them to
believe the book is true but last Sunday was, in my opinion, the moment where
they received their answer from God that His Church truly has been restored to
the earth. We got a call Sunday morning informing us that our
investigator's youngest son had been throwing up all night and they were not
going to be able to make it to church. He is only 2 years old and has
been sick with the flu for over a week now. It got really bad on Sunday
and our investigator requested we come and give her son a blessing before
church. As we prepared to head over to her house I felt the feeling, as I
have before, that God would respond to their faith and the little boy would be
healed. We said a prayer and I felt the Holy Ghost fill my heart. We gave
him an anointed blessing of healing. My companion anointed and I was
given the opportunity to give him a blessing. In the blessing he was told
by the faith of his family and by the power of the Holy Priesthood he would be
healed as a witness to them that the Church is true. We went over on
Monday night to go over the questions for baptism with them and they told me
the boy is back to his normal self and has not showed any signs of sickness
since he received the blessing. They are ready to be baptized :) I have
no doubt in my mind that God lives and that He loves us. I know that the
Priesthood is on the earth and all the Priesthood keys necessary for salvation
are here and reside in The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. I
am so grateful to be a part of the lives of so many incredible people here in
Montana. Our investigators will be baptized this Saturday after the evening
session for Stake Conference :)
Also, If you have not seen the movie Meet The Mormons GO SEE
IT!!!!! It was only gonna come to Montana if the people here requested it
enough times so all of the missionaries here got to see the movie a few weeks ago
and then we went to work knocking on doors inviting people to request the
movie. We found out a few days ago it will be playing at the theater here
this Friday! I loved it and know you will too :)
Thanks again for all the birthday cards and packages.
I am so grateful for the great love and support I have from back home :)
Elder Holland
it has been raining lately so there have been some awesome rainbows :)
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