Sunday, November 2, 2014

Busy, busy, busy!

Hey Fam!

Wow, this week was incredible!  I feel like I learned so much and have so much I need to work on.  I definitely felt the refiner's fire this week and am so grateful to know that God cares enough about me to communicate the things I can do to be a better disciple of Christ. 

We keep running into people that are so prepared to receive the Gospel!  We now have 3 people who are preparing to be baptized on November 22nd.  One of them is the girlfriend of a guy I have been looking for ever since I came to Missoula.  I got really close with the Bowden and Gage families in Bozeman and when I got here they told me to find their cousin.  We met for the first time last week!  One of the councilors in the Stake Presidency knows him and he and his girlfriend agreed to meet with us.  We shared with her the unique message that our Church has to offer: The Restoration of Christ's Church.  She accepted the invitation to be baptized and is preparing to be baptized on November 22nd!  I absolutely LOVE being a missionary because I get to witness so many people who are prepared to receive the blessings that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has to offer.
Saturday was an incredible day.  We got a ride with a member and drove all the way to Billings to the Temple.  We drove there and back in one day so we spent a total of about 10 hours in a car that day.  It was long but oh so worth it!  Derek was very prepared and received his endowment!  It was a very special experience that I will remember for the rest of my life.  I know that the ordinances that are performed in the Temple are validated in the eyes of God.  That was confirmed to me over and over all throughout the endowment session.  We were able to study the scriptures in the chapel for about 45 minutes prior to the session and it was amazing.  The scriptures were opened up to me in a way I had never understood before and I was taught things by the Holy Ghost that will resonate with me forever.  The Temple is the goal! I received a sure witness of celestial marriage there as well.  I thought it was super strange that my study in the chapel lead to that but the Holy Ghost bore powerful witness of the necessity of that sacred ordinance.

Sorry I am out of time but thank you all so much for all you do for me!  I have a great support team and am so grateful for all that is done on my behalf :)

Elder Holland

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