this week has been awesome! I love Montana, its such a different place. I
almost have no frame of reference but the people are amazing here. The
town is suuuuper small and everyone knows everyone. The high school only
has 180 kids!! We are volunteering there later today which should be
cool. The weather here is crazy! The first few days it was soo nice
and sunny and then 3 days ago it rained and then 2 days ago it snowed like
crazy and today its back to sunny. Not what i'm used to... but its
great. The wind is ridiculous at times... it will be nice and calm and
then out of nowhere it will be like 40 mph winds. The sunrise and sunsets
here are so incredible! I now know completely why they call it Big Sky country
:) The people are so nice and accommodating. Last night was the first
night we didn't have a dinner from a member which was nice actually cuz they
feed us way too much and its hard to say no. I really don't want to get
fat! They say the "average" missionary gains 30-40 lbs in this
mission. My mission, to prove them wrong. ;)
President Mecham and Sister Mecham |
for such a small town its awesome how strong the ward is! I haven't met all of
them yet cuz it was conference but I have been going around and getting
acquainted with lots of them. The ward here has about 150 active
members!!! They have the biggest congregation in the area and its
area, three forks, covers 7 zip codes! So thankfully we have a truck! It's a
2011 Chevy Colorado 4WD and my companion doesn't have a license so I get to
drive which is legit. My companion has autism and ausbergers (I know I
just butchered that word) but he is incredible. there are some challenges
to this but the benefits FAR outway them. He has the most incredible
memory of anyone I have ever met! He remembers every person he has ever met,
their name, address, phone number, EXACTLY what was said when they met and
muuuuuch more, it's incredible. I love him. He and I are practicing 100%
obedience and are already seeing the blessings for it :) We have some
investigators and less active members we are working with and if all goes to
plan we should have a few baptisms here in a few weeks.
is awesome. The people here are so funny, its hilarious. Yesterday
we were walking into home depot in Bozeman and the snow was flying sideways and
it was 25 degrees and this crazy looking guy walks out, walks up to us, and
screams, "Well the birds sure hate this today! I talked to the black fin
red tailed hawk at my house this morning and he said he hated it!" I
couldn't help it, I just busted up laughing.
this letter is late my p-day was yesterday but we got stuck waiting at the
church for the new transfers from Billings but apparently there was a storm and
they were a few hours late so we got permission to e-mail today,
were playing dodge ball at the church yesterday preparing for this charity
tournament we fund raised for this weekend and I rolled my ankle
pretty bad. Its swollen like a baseball currently but I already received
a blessing and i'm confident it will heal soon :)
are only 2 missionaries called as Spanish speakers and they are in my zone! I
met them yesterday and one of them is from Guatemala and the other is Elder
Rodriguez who is the son of the Rodriguez family in "the
District". They are very close to me and a bunch of elders basically
told me at some point I will get to serve as a Spanish speaking elder which is
awesome :)
this is so long, there is still a bunch more I have to say but i'm outa time...
oh but we live in a little room attached to a house, The Price's, who are very
nice and generous people and its a little different. All we have to cook
with is a hot plate and a microwave. We have a fridge and access to
laundry which is great.
I've been really thinking about why I feel so close to my Heavenly Father and
my Savior all the time since I have been here and I finally figured it
out. We pray at least 15 times a day. And that is it.
Obedience to the commandments is important but prayer is the key. I know
that as I continue to become closer to my Savior that I will be able to see Him
work miracles for the people here in Montana. I am so excited to be here.
I know this Church is true and the truth is available to all who want to
know through sincere, heartfelt prayer.
love you all & I'll report back next Monday!