can't believe another week has come and gone. A mission is a time
warp. I'm glad to hear you are all doing well and I Like seeing all the
pictures :) First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CUTLER!!!!!! You finally hit the
Big 17!!! Don't let it get to your head haha ALWAYS Remember I can
still beat u at an arm wrestle ;) haha well at least for now... I bought some
weights and a pull up bar today so hopefully they will help because the members
here feed us a ridiculous amount of food and we have a dinner EVERY day. Which
is a good thing! Yesterday we went out to this little town called Ennis
and visited the branch there. My companion and I gave sacrament meeting
talks which went really well. There are like 50 active members and they
are just awesome people. It's a little overwhelming at times to meet sooo
many new people and then have to remember all of their names and everything
about them but I am definitely recieving help from heavenly father in that area
which I'm really happy about. The town Ennis is only 70 miles from West
Yellowstone and its incredible out there :)

holy smokes the work is picking up here. We have met some great people
while tracting and are working with many less active members and are making
great progress. I knew the day would come where I met someone going
through something really hard in their life and I would have to testify to them
that true peace and joy from their situation can only come from our
Savior. That day came yesterday. I met a couple that desperately need
help and it was really hard to talk to them about what they were dealing with
because I have absolutely no frame of reference. We had a really good
talk with them and put a plan in place with goals to bring them to Christ and
they accepted the plan and committed to following what we had discussed.
This work has allowed me to humble myself more than I ever thought it
would. Instead of just imagining how God see's us I am actually
beginning to have my eyes opened and see his actions EVERYWHERE. It's
crazy I feel like I have lost all worry for myself and can only care for the
people around me. I have never had this perspective so strong in my life
before and I must admit it has made me feel the closest to my Savior, even more
than in the Temple. Well, we have very limited time today and I didn't
even get to read all of your e-mails but I love you all so much and am so
grateful for your support and love.
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