work is really beginning to pick up here. We have multiple people to
teach and we should be looking at a baptism here pretty soon. It's
amazing how I feel its hard here, but the Lord strengthens me and truly makes
weak things strong. I have never been able to remember names very well
and I know most of the 150 active members names here!
had our first exchanges with the zone leaders on Saturday while we were helping
out at the Rodeo. Yup, I said rodeo. Haha I thought it was great, as a
competitor you can not enter the rodeo without a cowboy hat! It was a
high school rodeo with kids from all over the state so the town just about
tripled for the event. We got to work the admissions stand and hand out
tickets and collect money which was great cuz we got to meet a ton of people
and we would just move slow while getting their stuff so we could talk to them.
We call it "Trap Tracting" because they can't leave haha ;)
It was great.

I am
learning the lessons better every day and am loving tracting. The only
thing that's hard about tracting here is the weather. It can be 70 and
sunny or 35 and cloudy all in the same day and the wind is incredible.
But I'm lovin it here I've already met some awesome people that I know I
will stay in touch with forever.
was reading in Mosiah ch4 and love verse 27 how there is an order to
everything. It's like King Benjamin almost says "ok guys remember,
baby steps". Sometimes it's super overwhelming to think about the
end goal we are striving for and what it takes to get there but as we take it
one day at a time it is muuuuuch easier. I'll load up some pics now but
I'm almost out of time, Thanks for all the love and support and prayers, I
really appreciate them!
you all,
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