Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Staying in Great Falls!

Hey Fam!
This week was super exciting!  Lots of changes are being made with the missionaries here and things are going really well!  My new companion is Elder Fox.  I met him once during transfers and he seems like a really awesome guy.  I am looking forward to this transfer and all the awesome stuff that is happening here! 
My thoughts this week are all centered on gratitude.  I will never be able to express how grateful I am
for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  This past week I took some time to reflect on the people I am currently seeing here and the people I have been able to get to know so well over the course of my mission.  Every single one is suffering in some sort of way.  The difference between each one of them is that those that have embraced the Gospel and strive to keep the commandments have peace.  I realized in an overwhelming way that even though I see and try to help people dealing with things that are very difficult I have peace all the time.  Yes I get anxious, nervous, and upset at different times but I also know that is part of it.  It is okay to feel this way because this is how we grow.  Nothing great ever came out of a comfort zone.  The amount of Light we have in our lives is directly related to our desire and actions towards keeping the commandments.  I am not even really sure where I am going with this but I am just so grateful to know He is always there.  I feel like I am seeing the influence of God in the lives of others much more and I know this experience is preparing me for whatever trials lie ahead of me.  I am grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  I know that because He did what He did we are enabled to do all that we do.  As I was pondering the trials of
others I thought about my own trials, especially in the last 2 years, and how I have been supported and lifted in every aspect.  My invitation to you all this week is to reflect back on some of the hardest times in your life and ponder this question, "Where was God?"  Then pray and ask Him that same question.  I promise you will feel peace and know that He is in control.  In doing this He has shown me many things I did not notice in the moment of the trial and I am so grateful to know He is always there.

I am thankful to you all for the great love and support you have shown me!  
Elder Holland

P.s. I gave out the wrong address to my apartment and I have no idea how all of your letters and packages have been making it to me but here is my actual address! 
312 3rd Ave North #8 Great Falls, Mt 59401

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